LinkedTab_AutoOpen_Handler: Open related folder tabs automatically

This update adds support for Ctrl and Alt qualifier keys... which I guess I left out originally when it was bundled with the LinkedTab_AutoClose script, since those qual keys are hard coded in Opus to do other things when dbl-clicking on tab headers.

I've also added some experimental support for the use of regular expressions in response to CWagner's request. This is currently only supported for use in the uni-directional format for the LinkedTabList property. This so that when entering a folder whose path matches the regex, an absolute path can then be referred to to open the paired folder. Regular expressions should be placed as the first part of a uni-directional paired folder entry using && as the delimiter, and should be pre-pended by the string re://:

As shown above, the very simple regex of temp will cause the script to open a linked tab for [b]d:[/b] any time a folder named temp. The script creates a standard VBscript regex object then sets the pattern to the value following the re:// prefix... You should take any case sensitivity concerns into account in the regex itself.