List File Type Group in Custom Dialog Dropdown

Working in JScript, how would one call the file type group list to display in a custom dialog dropdown list?

I don't understand. Why would the File Type Group List (that means the Settings > File Types dialog, at least to me) be involved with your script displaying your custom dialog?

Sorry for the confusion. I want to build a dialog for a script I have based, in part, on file type groups, with each file type group hard-coded in the script. Rather than hard code each file type group, I want to reference the user's current file type group list, knowing it could vary from user to user, in a dropdown to allow the user to input a specified file type group for the script to use in its function.

Hope this makes sense.

You'll find them in DOpus.filetypegroups, e.g.:

for (var e = new Enumerator(DOpus.filetypegroups); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) {
    var item = e.item();


Thanks. This will help!

EDIT: DOpus.Output gives me the standard names, as expected. Unfortunately, a user added file type group I added called Databases returns this:


How could I get the actual name?

That's the display_name.

for (var e = new Enumerator(DOpus.filetypegroups); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) {
	var item = e.item();

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