List view spacing


is it possible to reduce space between files also in list view?

Turning off Preferences / Colors and Fonts / Color Blending / Use visual styles to draw items will give tighter spacing, but has other drawbacks like no longer supporting "hot" items under the mouse, and generally not looking as nice/modern.

Other than that, space between files is minimal in List mode for each rendering style. If you're seeing excessive space between items, it could be a font issue (if using a non-default font), e.g. its reported metrics might be much larger than most of its characters really are visually.

i don't know what "minimal for each rendering style" means.
Details view is similar to list (except it also shows details) but it can have less space between rows

yes i know the difference is also given by fonts but that's not a problem since Arial is one of the best for what i'm asking.

What are hot itmes? disabling that setting made things better but i don't really understand what i'm giving up

i don't know what "minimal for each rendering style" means.

I think he means the stuff is already really close together so an option to reduce it further wasn't made an option

Edit: Nevermind just realized you're talking about list mode specifically.

Not sure if this "Extra line padding" setting is set to this by default or whether I set it to that at some point, but worth checking:

that is for detail view

As i said, detail view is very similar to list view. Same icon and text height, both have vertical order. List view just starts more columns when the panel is over and of course it has not details for files/folders.

But in terms of "physics" (i don't know if this is correct but i think you can understand what i mean), they are the same. Let me reduce space between rows also in list view