My lister does not indent when cascading. I would like it to cascade and indent just like the folder tree. Have I missed a solution in this forum or have anyone any ideas how-to? Using Opus 13
Can you give more detail about what you mean?
Yes, and thank you for the reply.
I run two listers side by side and I do a lot of file moves from folder to folder. When I search for a folder by name, the found folder shows in the lister along with all related files listed. When i open the folder by clicking on the >, the folder opens to what is in the folder, but also the original file list stays which is duplicated and all files and folder hug to the tree. If when the folder > was clicked, the files indented, it would be a lot less confusing with the duplicate files. I hope that made some sense. Thank you.
They do indent in the modes where it makes sense (Details and Power):
Are you using a different mode, e.g. Thumbnails or List?
Maybe a screenshot of what you see would help here.
That did it. Changed to Power mode. I'll work with this for awhile and assess. Thanks so much.
I recommend Details instead of Power mode, unless you need the extra mouse button behaviors Power mode offers. If you don't need them, Power mode will be worse rather than better.
Thank you. Switched to Details Mode. One final question - Can Dopus be set to automatically open the folder after search. This would eliminate the clicking of the > to see which files are in the folder. I appreciate your expertise.
What kind of search do you mean?
A normal windows search from the search box in the upper right.
So you want all found folders to auto-expand in the search results?
I’m not sure how performant or useful that would be if the search returned a large number of folders with a lot in each. You’d potentially have to scroll down thousands of lines just to see the second folder and know if the search query needed refining or not.
It could probably be done via a script, but I bet it would get in the way so much you’d want to turn it off.
What about a button that expands all folders instead? Then if the search results are the folders you want and don’t need further refinement, you can push it to expand everything. The command for that is in the default menus and could be copied to a too-level button or hotkey.
You are correct. I found the expand all folders button and am experimenting. I think this will work. Is there a command/button for showing the folders only after a search? Currently its populates with folders and files.