Lister title bar won't show full folder path

I can't get my listers to display the full folder path in their title bar. There's tons of space available but once the path exceeds something like 30 chars, it's truncated (in the middle). Changing the FileDisplays / Title Bar preferences doesn't seem to have any influence at all. (Yes, I tried turning it off and on again...:wink:) Layout names or any custom titles aren't shown either.
Changing the lister's icon works.

I'm on the latest Beta 15.5.5.

Is there something else I need to do for this to work?
Thanks a lot!

Have you installed a script that customizes the titlebars? That seems most likely.

Or anything that changes window frames, and might be truncating titles?

Opus itself does not seem to truncate them:

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Indeed, thanks for the pointer. Found the culprit and, for the first time in 10 (!!) years, updated it... :laughing:

Just in case someone else stumbles across this: The script was a pretty early version of Tab-Labelizer but the fault was all mine.

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