Lister / window jumps back on top after I open a PDF

I'm familiar with the right-click on the Window and set KEEP ON TOP to 'No' however in recent OD versions, the window/lister jumps back on top whenever I open a PDF (adobe). It didn't use to do this in older versions to my knowledge. It's been happening about 3 months for me.

I reinstalled OD to check if that was the issue, but it hasn't resolved.

This is very frustrating, as you double-click a PDF and it opens, then OD lister jumps in front of it again.

Any ideas to solve this? Thanks in advance.

Does the same happen if you double-click the file in File Explorer?

Sorry for a very slow response. This is still a very frustrating issue.

It doesn't happen in the Windows File Explorer.

I've also noticed, it doesn't happen on the very first PDF I open (double-click) in OD File Explorer, but after the first PDF, the OD explorer windows jumps back on top. If I close all OD File Explorer windows and then reopen a window, and double-click a PDF, the PDF stays on top (first PDF only) and then the cycle repeats..

Any ideas? This seems to be a bug, but I don't know if others have found this?

Might make sense to try with a default Opus config.

Worst case, if you don't already have a backup of your current config and/or a default config, make a copy of the current config, uninstall Opus then reinstall. Does the problem still happen?

Do you have the viewer pane open when you double-click the files? That could potentially be involved as it would be displaying the files in (potentially) the same PDF viewer on the first click, and trying to give it focus.