Location Bar (breadcrumbs) start at "computer"?

My default lister has a Location Bar on breadcrumbs mode. The first level is "desktop" but I would like it to start at "computer". Is that possible?

If not - then consider this a feature request :slight_smile:


It'll show Computer as long as the driveroot argument is not there (it is there on the default toolbar), except when in the actual Desktop folder since Desktop contains Computer rather than vice versa.

(The list of drive letters is always in the first arrow's menu, either way.)

It shows computer (I have no arguments), but I was hoping to get rid of the initial folder icon that gives access to things like Favorites and File Collections - stuff I never use.

If you want to get rid of the icon for the current folder, there's no way to do that (short of switching to a different type of path field and losing the breadcrumbs functionality entirely).

You can filter some of the items out of its menu if you want. (Details in the page I linked above.)