Location of temporary batch files

I've just discovered that when Opus runs an MS-DOS Batch function, it creates a more or less randomly named batch file in C:\Documents and Settings(user name)\Local Settings\Temp. Is there any way to specify another location for the batch file?

The reason for asking is that I'm experimenting with a firewall program (Online Armor) and am constantly getting popups from it asking for permission for the batch file to run. I can't tell the firewall to always let the batch file run because the batch file has a different name each time.

I can exclude firewall protection on a specific directory. In the Online Armor forums, the opinion has been offered that excluding the ...\Temp directory is a bad idea, but the implication has been made that it might be acceptable to exclude some other specific directory if Opus could be made to create the batch files there.

Can you mark in OA Directory Opus in such a way, that everything it produces is considered safe?

Or you could put your commands in a basic MSDOS batch file that has a set name and run that from a button.

Tried that. Didn't seem to work.

Anything I write does have a set name, but it appears that Opus creates a somewhat randomly named bat file which invokes my file.

It's this Opus created bat file that the firewall is complaining about.

Opus only creates temporary batch files for MS-DOS Batch buttons.

So you can put your batch code into a .bat file somewhere and make a normal (not MS-DOS Batch type) button in Opus which runs that batch file.

[quote="leo"]Opus only creates temporary batch files for MS-DOS Batch buttons.

So you can put your batch code into a .bat file somewhere and make a normal (not MS-DOS Batch type) button in Opus which runs that batch file.[/quote]

Right, that works.

Now the only question is why I chose MS-DOS Batch functions in the first place!

(No answer expected).