Location of user profile

Does anyone know where user profiles are located? I want to format my hard drive and not have to configure everything again.

Use Settings Menu - Import and Export to export all of you Opus settings to a Directory Opus Settings (.dps) file. Make sure that you enable all of the options.

Thanks for your help.

can we find another way?, like the address of the folder? please


There's also stuff in /dopuslocaldata but it's probably not worth backing up.

I'm not able to find either /dopusdata or /dopusglobaldata.

Is there a typical folder that they are put in on install? I'm using version U

Opus 8 stores many of its settings in the registry, and some in your roaming profile under Applications\GPSoftware. Do a search on *.dop to find it easily. (There will also be the default configuration under Program Files.)