Locking listers to a certain top level path

Hey gang ...

I'm not sure it's even possible, but what I'd like to do is lock a lister at a certain directory level and BELOW. I might have even mentioned this to Jonathan in passing on IM.

The concept here would be creating a Dopus config for specialty jobs - such as copying music to an MP3 player. I would want to lock both listers at specific locations; one obviously being the MP3 player and the other being the top level of music:

Left Lister: Locked at C:\MUSIC\MP3
Right Lister: Locked at F:\

This way, it would be IMPOSSIBLE for someone (like my poor techno-braindead mum) to actually LEAVE the hierachy and "get lost" elsewhere on the hard drive.

I know there are dedicated music tools to do this sort of thing, but this sort of application would have lots of possibilities such as syncing data to any usb drive compatible device (cell phones, SD cards, etc).

Of course, there are work arounds that KINDA work; removing the tree, removing the drives toolbar, adding a "RESET" button that puts the listers back into the proper state, etc. I remember being all excited when NAVIGATION LOCK was announced, then being kinda disappointed that it wasn't what I thought it was :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance for any thoughts on the matter.

You could use user-rights on NTFS and set dirs in DOpus for default lister. That's more safe cause your mom could start WExplorer!

Let her use Windows Media Player or whatever media manager you use.
The best solution for you both.
