Looking for a list of files without wildcards

I need to find a list of files by name in a specific drive, without using wildcards, like:


How can i do it?


The base command looks like this:

Find NAME="(file1.txt|file2.bmp|file3.mkv)" IN D:\

More in the docs: Find

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Thank you for the prompt anwser!

I'm a beginner in DOpus, so i need to ask: Where i can use this command line?



You can use the same pattern in Tools > Find Files without having to run any commands. (Make sure wildcards are turned on for the Name field at the top.)

If the list of files is too long for a single pattern, switch to Advanced mode and it will let you add multiple patterns.

On the other hand, if you do want to use commands, here's how: How to use buttons and scripts from this forum

Also, if you need to do this a lot with a different list each time, a script could be written to do that so you don't have to make the pattern yourself each time. Not worth doing if it's a one-off or rare job (or the list isn't very long), but could save a lot of time if you do it a lot and the lists are large, and we could help with that.

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Sorry, i just realize what i am doing wrong!

It's all okay now!

Using this: (*20211214_185857*|*20201210_101200*)

The DOpus return only the 1st parameter: 20211214_185857.mp4

But when i search the two files individually, the DOpus can find both (each time).

What i am doing wrong?

Thank you!

@lxp thanks for the formatting tips

That seems to work here:

(I checked with Opus 13, but it should be the same in 12.)

FWIW, you can shorten the pattern by doing this, which is equivalent:


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