Looking for smart way to create folder names when you highli

High fellow Hunters,

Looking for smart way to create folder names when you highlight part or all of a file name.

At the moment it is click and highlight file name
click drop down list and click New Folder
Paste file name
Move file.Move folder if required

Anyone with tons of files knows how utterly tedious this can be creating new Folders.

Any suggestions? :thumbsup:

I know about the all files to folders & 1 file to folder but they both uses the full file name while I only need the part of it that I highlight, i.e. the persons name

can it be added to the right click mouse menu in Dopus?

Would this work for you?

First, add a new Button, call it New Folder from Clipboard.

Now to use:

  • Select your filename segment
  • Type Ctrl-C to copy the name
  • Press the button to create the folder using the contents of the clipboard

I don't know how to get the contents of the selection onto the clipboard during inline filename edit, otherwise this could be made as a keyboard shortcut to do both the copy and new folder in one shot (and I don't think a button would work, because hitting the button deselects the inline edit).

Thanks MrC, but it is not quite what I would like, I am hoping for something like highlight click drop down menu and click - make folder with highlighted info.

But thank you for trying, (I did learn something from your suggestion) :thumbsup:

I'm guessing that once you're in Inline Edit mode, Windows text-edit controls are handling the file name copy.

I'm sure if this is incorrect, someone will chime and and clarify.

I'm not sure that can be done while in inline-rename mode.

All I can suggest is a button that will popup a dialog with the file/folder name auto inserted. Then you can modify that dialog to what you want. Saves you from having to go into inline-rename mode in the first place then.

@nofilenamequoting @runonce:@set dirname={dlgstringS|Enter name of folder to move selection into|{file$|noext}} Copy MOVE HERE FILE="{file$}" CREATEFOLDER="{$dirname}" @nodeselect

You can add this to File Types -> All Files and Folders -> Edit -> Context Menu -> New. Make sure "Type" is "Run an Opus function".

Thanks ktbcrash, Just tried your suggestion it is so close almost there, if only the highlight part can be made to work.

Thanks ktbcrash and MrC,

Now that I have used the button it does what I need thank you.