Hi guys,
You know I'm in love with your revised rename tool - there's still a detail I would recommend to improve. I've lost entered filenames several times.
Here's what I've done, using Opus 12.0.11:
1.) Select several files
2.) Open the rename function in 'Standard wildcard rename'
3.) Disable all options and actions but 'ignore extension'
4.) Double click on the first filename in the 'New Name' column
5.) Make some changes, do NOT press return.
6.) Double click on the second filename in the 'New Name' column
7.) Make some changes and press return (Do not use the mouse to click the buttons!)
The rename requester closes immediately, executing the first rename, but ignores the second string that was entered. The're is no change on the last item and the entered rename info is just lost.
Hope it's not on my machine only again:)
I've lost renames several times because of this behaviour. I think it would be nice if the first return would just exit the edit control instead of closing everything. What do you guys think?
Kind regards.