Make a new folder in destination the active folder

Good day everyone,

I spent some time trying to figure this problem out on my own and tried searching for the solution but was unsuccessful in both attempts. I created this button with the following code:

clipboard COPYNAMES=nopaths REGEXP "^(\w+)\W+(\w+)" "\1" Set STATE=Dest CreateFolder FROMCLIPBOARD Go TABSELECT=last

In a dual lister, what it does is creates a folder (or opens an existing folder) with the name of the file (see below). However I would like the new tab (folder) to be the active tab (folder). I thought by putting Go TABSELECT=last would accomplish this objective but it does nothing. Any help in correcting this code would be greatly appreciated.

Give this a try:

clipboard COPYNAMES=nopaths REGEXP "^(\w+)\W+(\w+)" "\1" Set STATE=Dest CreateFolder FROMCLIPBOARD READAUTO=tab

Thank you for the reply Leo. What a bummer, that didn't work either, the result was the same as mine.

It works for me, FWIW.

You are right Leo, it did work for me. I typed READAUTO incorrectly. Thank you so much.

Man Of Steel is out on Blue-Ray already???

'doh :stuck_out_tongue: