Make the "Folder Not Found" Dialog Less Annoying

I find the small box that appears when Opus fails to open a path quite annoying, for these reasons:

  1. Sometimes it loses focus and can only be closed with the help of a pointing device.
  2. It steals the focus - I would rather not be notified until I get back to the related tab.
  3. The buttons seem unnecessary - if I want to retry, why not use the Refresh command (F5 usually)? If I want to cancel, why not use the Up/Back commands?

Suggestions for an alternative: let the user choose to replace it with a simple text displayed centered on the file list ("Path not found" or similar); don't steal focus; let the user choose to either retry with the Refresh command or navigate Up/Back.

What are you doing that causes that dialog to appear a lot? Maybe there's another solution that can avoid it entirely.

I would be cool if the dialog appeared in the Lister/tab like the loading (I think its that one) dialog does (I think this was requested once before). I never use the retry button, If the dialog was in the lister cancel might not be needed. I would like a create button on that dialog.

The less serious cases are when I make a typo while typing an alias on the address bar or if, during a high CPU load period, one of my auto-expansion AutoHotkey macros becomes garbled. The box appears almost instantly and I was going to wait for the path to load anyway.

Working with mapped shares is more annoying, as I would like to try to load one and move to other tabs to do something else, only later getting back to it.

I agree with OP one hundred percent. For me, I keep getting that annoying dialog all the time when ftp connections fail. It just disrupts the workflow. It could be fixed with an option to have DOpus silently fall back to last-working directory without so much attention grabbing.

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Might be hard to change, but yes..

