Height that changes based on need (if information runs to the middle of the lister, if there are double listers, instead of it just not being shown, DO creates 2 status bar rows to show the status bar information?
Static height set by the user?
Also, is it possible to use the status bar coding/programming language safely in DO toolbars? That way, I could create a toolbar and place it down there to act as a secondary status bar row.
Not currently. The status bar is always a single line, and the status bar codes can only be used in the status bar.
There are some different codes which can be used in the lister window title, but not to show the same things.
The metadata panel, or using Tiles Mode, may be good alternatives if you need to see more information about the selected file, or all files, but want to avoid lots of file display columns. Or if the aim is to see thumbnails and file details at the same time, and Tiles Mode doesn't already do what you want, then you can use Details+Thumbnails mode which shows both at once. Which is best depends on what you're aiming to do.
Thank you. I wish there was an option, obviously I am weird in that I just like to program and view a lot of data - so I won't die without it, but I would love the option in the future to do this. The metadata panel would show far more than what I need, so I guess that I'll have to pick some things to not view. Thanks for the prompt answer!