Iam looking at a folder of 1,400 images in Thumbnail mode and Opus is using 3.5 gigs of memory, which seems a lot. Is this as it should be?
Leo has answered a similar question before. If you do the math, you will probably see that yes, it takes that much memory to cache that much image data.
3.5gig does seem high for 1400 images, but only by about 2 times. Have you increased the thumbnail size or do you have multiple tabs open?
This is the link to the other thread, might have some info that could help.
Many thanks - reducing the max-thumbnail size makes for a considerable reduction in memory usage.
Curious what did you have it set to?
Was set at 512 but I normally view the thumbs at 320. Now set at 400. Further examination of the memory usage shows that I was being a bit optimistic in my original conclusions, but it does save some memory and as I very rarely use 512 it seems a sensible compromise.