Menus from Keyboard

Greetings all,

I'm a new Opus user and I'm having a few issues.
When I try to use some of the menus via the keyboard it's not working correctly:

  1. Alt-F (file menu) is ok
  2. Then press "w" to open the "New" menu - ok still
  3. Then I want to pick here by pressing the first letter, say "T" for new Text Document - here is where it goes wrong
    Opus will process this key like I'm on the previous "File" menu and open a New Tab - VERY confusing at first
    Even worse, if you try to open/create a new "Contact" (or something else that starts with a "c") Opus will close! about confusing!
    The only way to get it to work is use arrow keys or the mouse - hey, I'm trying to go quickly with the keyboard so don't make it harder.

Is this a bug? or is there a setting somewhere for how menus behave?
Can you reproduce this? I'm on Win7 64-bit, using Opus 9.5.6


However, if speed is your aim, you could create hotkeys which run commands like this in a single push:

FileType NEW=.txt

Then you don't have to use the New menu at all.