In my work I do a lot of folder merging. After I merge folders, the 'Confirm File Replace' dialog box opens and I select ‘Rename New (All)’ from the 'Replace' drop-down menu.
In Setting > File Types > All files and Folders', I edited the Drag and Drop command and now it is:
copy movewhensame WhenExists=merge
That works well, but I still need to select ‘Rename New (All)’ from the 'Replace' drop-down menu.
I know I can also edit that command to make it:
copy movewhensame WhenExists=rename
That works well, but I still need to select 'Merge' first.
So, I have figured out how to do one or the other, but not both at the same time, which, when working client projects could save at least a thousand clicks a day.
My question is: Is it possible to edit the command so that both actions happen automatically?
Thank you. I have no excuse for not looking in the manual! I am still trying to understand the differences between scripts, script add-ins, Script plugins etc.. (and that's probably incorrect terminology). Are all commands 'Internal Commands'?
It's not on the page you linked, but I found it here:!Documents/Copy.htm
I suggest rereading the following extracted from an earlier reply from me, but intended to be much less contentious than the earlier reply in total.
Someone with more knowledge than I can correct me if I'm wrong, but, as far as I know, as used in the context of Opus, scripts and script add-ins are the same thing. I don't recall seeing Script plugins, but I suppose the term exists somewhere. I'd guess it means the same thing, but can't say for sure.
The following italicized text, which comes from my earlier reply addresses Internal Commands
The Opus manual contains first level topics Scripting and Reference. Reference contains a subtopic Internal Commands.
The difference between the two needs to be understood.
Again, I don't know, but probably many of what you refer to as short scripts/commands are actually sequences of Internal Commands.
Short history lesson: The Internal Commands were part of Opus long before Scripting as the term is used in Opus.
At some point, support for Scripting was added to provide additional flexibility not provided by the Internal Commands,
The Internal Commands are not Scripting as the term is used in Opus and don't require any knowledge of any language except the internal commands.