Message: Reading Folder (with option to abort)

Occasionally, I’m getting this message for folders I just left and came back to. Example: opening a folder then using the back button “I see this message”. Doesn’t make sense, because I was just in the folder and it was reading it fine. It seems like it happens more when I’m using a tab from a tab group to initially open a folder. If I change folders, or open a sub directory, then quickly go back to the previous folder that was opened by a tab from a tab group, this is when I see it most. It locks up all lister windows till it disappears or I click abort. I then try to make it happen again by repeating the same steps, but it doesn’t allways happen. I’m not sure if it’s unique to my system or a possible bug. Not something I want to spend time trying to resolve right now, unless there’s a quick solution.


If you see that then the folder is taking a long time to read, for some reason.

It's likely that either the disk (and/or network if it's a network folder) is very busy and taking a long time to service the request, or something else is interfering (e.g. anti-virus, something else using lots of disk/CPU, or a disk that's starting to fail and requires lots of re-reads) and causing a delay.

I'd like to add: All my files are on a mapped network drive. However, this is the same mapping I've had for over a year with no issues using Opus 9. I didn't use tabs until now though, so I can't compare the past.

I'll keep an eye on this, and as time passes, look for clues into what you’ve suggested.

Use the Task Manager, Network tab to see how much your network is being utilised. It's possible the network is at capacity, which is slowing down the directory read.

Network usage may be due to things like copying files over the network (of course) but it could also be something accidental, like having Opus configured to do something which requires it to download parts of (or all of) the files in the folders you view.

Thumbnails mode is an obvious example where large amounts of data may be downloaded just by viewing a folder. Less obvious examples are things like the Description column or showing Duration on the status bar, which can also cause file contents to be inspected. (Usually only a small amount of the file is downloaded for that kind of metadata, but it depends on the file type and what plugins, video codecs, etc. choose to do to get the data. And sometimes anti-virus will decide "this file has been opened so I need to inspect it" and download the entire file to check it for viruses, though that's usually only with exe or zip files.)

While this happens:
Network is fiber-optic at 0.001 percent usage recorded via FORTINET Fortianilizer
Network server is quad-core with resources at 0%-1% - used for HD video streaming uncompressed video over Fiber-LAN
All workstation HDs including Network Server Raid HDs are small form factor "highest reliability in industry with zero errors recorded last 48 hours via FORTINET Fortianilizer
Workstation with Opus 10 on it has similar setup
Entire network shows no disk or LAN errors recorded throughout with FORTINET Fortianilizer
No workstations or servers need antivirus installed. Network WAN/WLAN firewall secured via FORTIWEB-400B and workstation/servers via FORTINET Fiber LAN security cards.

It’s imperative that no part of my network has bottlenecks or system errors without knowing. So I employed the best technology in the industry to track them down. Every HD, CPU, Motherboard, LAN bus, Firewall, etc is continuously monitored and recorded via FORTINET Fortianilizer monitoring system.

I have been using Opus 10 for a week now, and until using the group tabs feature for the first time, I've never seen this message before. Since not using the feature, I’m not seeing this message. But, I’ll keep an eye on this.

I'm fairly sure I've resolved this: A custom button used to open an application was still mapped to a renamed network folder. I thought I re-linked everything in its custom toolbar, but just for a test, I closed the toolbar and tried to get the message to show, and it never did. I re-opened the toolbar, and almost immediately, it came back up again. So, I re-linked the button, and with the toolbar open now, the message doesn't show. Ironically, I was using this toolbar every time I used the group tabs feature. I hope this was all it was, and if so, sorry for pointing blame on Opus and the fantastic group tabs feature! On my behalf though, Opus might be a little sensitive to this type of instance.