Metaedit doesn't update file-date/-access

Hi! I just changed some metagtags (year, genre, etc.) in my MP3-collection. As I wanted to update the backup I've noticed that there're no changes on date/file (e.g. last access), so the backup-program doesn't recognise any changes/updates.

BTW same happens when activating attribute "write-protected".

How can I avoid this?

I use SyncBackPro for backup and the profile I use is set to recognize all changes.

Ok, I've found the option to change date when editing metadata.

Now the question how to activate this if a file is set to write-protected?

(Preferences / File Operations / Metadata / Update last modified file dates when setting metadata is the option, for anyone looking for the same information.)

Changing file attributes doesn't change file timestamps because the timestamps are about the data, not the attributes. The same as renaming a file doesn't change its date. That is how the filesystem itself works.

If you want the metadata panel to change the file's attributes and date, without changing any of the file's data, then you can do that but you need to do it explicitly, by telling the metadata panel to change the date.

Thanks for the "workaround"-tipp.

You can consider using this command.

SetAttr MODIFIED=now

You can also use SetAttr for other attribute modifications.

Usally I protect complete folders, so protecting the backuped one is done fast. But a button which protects and sets time to now seems to be a good idea. Thanks.