Minor suggestion for the search results

After i have searched something, i read "coll://find results" in the lister header. I think it would be better to have it following way: "coll://find results for xyzblah123.
So that the search argument is included.

Where does 'xyzblah123' come from?

Well, that's an example for the exact term i was searching for. So, if i was searching for "Dopusinstall.exe", the information would be "coll://find results for Dopusinstall.exe".
Of course this would only apply to real searches only, where a keyword/search term was entered, those who include the "find results" part in the path. Sometimes, looking
at older searches in the collection list, it´s not so clear, what exactly was searched in the first place.

Are we talking about Find or Search?

I was talking about FIND, like in "FIND IN "C:" "D:" "E:" "F:" QUERY".

What if you're searching for more than one keyword? What if you're searching for date/time, tags, etc?

Find QUERY = Search. QUERY Is the argument that makes the command use Windows Search instead of Opus's internal Find functionality.

But that doesn't create collections like coll://Find Results, so I'm still confused about whether we're talking about Find or Search.

Running abr's command from a button doesn't work with windows search. The QUERY argument will be ignored and the find panel will open. So I'm sure abr is talking about Find.

However, when using a button like this to start the Find panel it's easy to also define the name of the collection with the argument COLLNAME. If you want it to be the same as your keyword you could also use The argument NAME with a dialog box. I tried the following command:

@Set var={RS} FIND IN C: D: E: F: NAME {$var} COLLNAME="Search Results for {$var}"The command only works if you don't use wildcards as keyword because COLLNAME refuses to create a collection if illegal characters for folder names are used. Maybe COLLNAME could be modified to ignore/replace illegal charcters to make it work.

That works well. I have to correct my statement, though. It was actually FIND IN "C:" "D:" "E:" "F:" QUERY {dlgstring|search all drives}, which also explains,
why i don't get the find panel, when i use that command.

I almost never search by date, but can find all tags just fine.

Yes, see my corrected code, which contains the {dlgstring} part.

@Set var={RS} FIND IN C: D: E: F: NAME {$var} COLLNAME="Search Results for {$var}"[quote]The command only works if you don't use wildcards as keyword because COLLNAME refuses to create a collection if illegal characters for folder names are used. Maybe COLLNAME could be modified to ignore/replace illegal charcters to make it work.[/quote]

Thanks kundal, that works well. My idea was to include the search string in a normal find, for the reason i've mentioned.

If you want to get the Find Panel for further modifications like adding wildcards to the keyword you can add the argument NOAUTORUN to the command.