Miscellaneous options

Can you explain to me more about this advanced options...

1) collection_change delay : delay before processing external delete/rename operations in file collections
i try to modify this value but nothing different...
2) context_menu_debug : display debug output for context menu extensions
how display this debug output ?
3) find_extension_func : command to execute for external find fonction
how use this options ?
4) ignore_context_menus : list of context menu extensions that opus will ignore
ignore for what ?
5) layout_string : template for layout commands
how use this options ?
6) network_errors : specify error codes that indicate network authentication errors
how use this options ?
7) no_async_icons : file types for which icons not be retrieved asynchronously
how use this options ?
8) no_contextmenu_fix : don't try to fix owner draw context menu images with office-style menus
how use this options ?
9) no_external_change_notify : don't monitor for external file changes
how use this options ?
10) notify_debug : display debug output for file notification
how display this debug output ?


These I know:

1) collection_change delay : delay before processing external delete/rename operations in file collections

Fe. Word does some file renaming with files that are being saved and short delay could cause unnecessary removing such files from collection.

2) context_menu_debug : display debug output for context menu extensions
how display this debug output ?

Right click a file.

4) ignore_context_menus : list of context menu extensions that opus will ignore
ignore for what ?

For loading into context menu.

7) no_async_icons : file types for which icons not be retrieved asynchronously
how use this options ?

No visible display.

8) no_contextmenu_fix : don't try to fix owner draw context menu images with office-style menus
how use this options ?

If you have problems with context menu display in office style, you can use this.

9) no_external_change_notify : don't monitor for external file changes
how use this options ?

Opus will not notice changes to filesystem made outside of Opus.

10) notify_debug : display debug output for file notification
how display this debug output ?

I guess console should open automatically.


[quote="Xyzzy"]2) context_menu_debug : display debug output for context menu extensions
how display this debug output ?

Right click a file.[/quote]
Yeah, but that's not how to "display" the output that enabling this setting allows. Check the FAQ on Crash/exit/100%CPU when right-clicking certain files for an explanation... specifically, the 'Finding the Culprit' section of that FAQ.

Edit: this FAQ has been updated to reflect the fact that troubleshooting context menu issues using this general 'method' is different between Opus v8 and v9, but the principles are the same... just FYI.

[quote="Xyzzy"]4) ignore_context_menus : list of context menu extensions that opus will ignore
ignore for what ?

For loading into context menu.[/quote]
The "reason" for this is if you have a shell extension that is not working properly with Opus, Opus will try to automatically 'exclude' that extension handler from being loaded the next time you right click a file that causes the 'offending' extension to be called. This list is where such extension CLSID values will show up. Additionally, I think there may be some reasons why you might want to MANUALLY add extension handlers to this list yourself for troubleshooting purposes. The FAQ entry above explains this as well... and with v9.1 Opus will now popup a dialog letting a user know that it's detected a 'problem' with a shell extension and give you the option of disabling or letting it be...