Missing context menu for column headers

Hi there! o)

I updated to the latest beta recently, since then the context menu of the column headers is gone.
If I remember correctly, I already had this same issue in the past, could not find the related thread though.

Any advice on what to do, check? Thanks! o)

The menu is normally stored in /dopusdata\Buttons\Menus\HeaderMenu.dop

What's that file look like if you open it? Is is truncated or anything like that? What's the modified date on it?

Mhh, now I remember something..
It could be fixed by resetting the column header menu via the prefs somehow. I tried that, then the default menu appears. Upon copying my *dop file inplace and restarting DO, it would (again) not. If I open the customize dialog and toggle my menu definition, it appears just as normal. The file is valid xml data, just tried opening it with IExplorer.exe to see if it would moan. Modification date is the same as the other files in there, last saturday, might be the time I updated DO.

In case it helps, here it is:
HeaderMenu.zip (1.8 KB)

Oops, I said ContextMenu but HeaderMenu was the right one, as you guessed. Sorry about that. (Edited my post above to make things less confusing for anyone finding the thread.)

I copied that .dop file over mine and restarted Opus. It seems to work fine, so the problem probably isn't the menu itself.

Please have a look in /dopusdata\ConfigFiles\menus.oxc, which looks like this here:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<menu name="TrayMenu">
	<menu name="ContextMenu">
	<menu name="ZipMenu">
	<menu name="FTPMenu">
	<menu name="HeaderMenu">
	<menu name="CollectionMenu">
	<menu name="LibraryMenu">
	<menu name="MyComputerBackground">
	<menu name="ViewerContextMenu">

In your copy of that file, does it point to HeaderMenu, like this:

	<menu name="HeaderMenu">

(You used to be able to specify other .dop files for those menus, although I don't think the UI lets you these days. If the file points to a different toolbar, it could be something left over from an older version of Opus where it had been changed.)

Yeah, the file itself must be ok, it does show properly when in the Customize dialog at least.
I checked the menus.oxc as you suggested, it looks like yours, paths seems to be ok.

While testing things out, all got worse:
I first resetted the header menu, quit DO, and started to insert my menu items into the standard HeaderMenu.dop file, then restart DO. This worked for the first 2-3 items, then suddenly the default menu was shown, hu? I then renamed HeaderMenu.dop to something unknown to DO, so the menu would be missing when launching DO. It still shows the default menu, but the Columns submenu only shows a a single entry, greyed out and named "Columns", all columns missing. Despite that, all the other menu entries seem to be out of order, do not react on clicks, menu won't close, DO finally crashing. So this seems to be something DO does not like. o)

Ha! So now that the Columns submenu does not work, it seems logical that my custom menu won't work, because it has that list of columns directly on top level. So the problem seems to be, that generating the list of columns fails.
This command I mean: Set COLUMNSTOGGLE=columnlist,insert

Does that raise any new ideas? o) I will run the DO installer again now, not sure if that fixes something, but we'll see.


Running the installer again fixed the problem! I copied my backup header menu in place and voila, everything back to normal. Weird! o) Since this is the second time this happened, there might be some non-random unwanted thing going on now and then.

This is the crash dump from the moment the Columns sub menu did not work (on the default toobar) and I had multiple of them open because they wouldn't close anymore. Maybe that has some interesting bits in it.
dopus.20170909.203036.zip (22.9 KB)

For now I'm good again, thanks! o))