I reinstalled windows and now some files that I was able to see content only show icon in Dopus but in explorer they show content
can you please help me ?
Example here
Thank you
I reinstalled windows and now some files that I was able to see content only show icon in Dopus but in explorer they show content
can you please help me ?
Example here
Thank you
(You can drag & drop or paste images into forum posts. I've moved your image into the post so people can see it without having to click to see it, and so it'll still work when the image host inevitably deletes the image or shuts down like all the others. )
If you refresh the folder in Opus, does the thumbnail appear then?
Anything special about the folder? It looks like some kind of cloud storage or source control from the icons, which could complicate things as it may depend on the cloud provider to generate thumbnails.
What happens with the file if you copy it to a normal folder?
sorry didn't know I could drag images yes you're right about these image hosts
Yes, these folders are synced to the cloud but it was working fine before reinstalling win 10 and on explorer it has no issues. I copied this folder to another drive not synced to the cloud and problem remains in Dopus, Explorer is ok
CRV3D isn't an extension anything in Opus handles so the thumbnail request should be dropping through to the shell. I'm not sure why it would then work in Explorer but not in Opus, since it should ultimately be the same code within Windows talking to whichever shell extension is handling it.
It's possible the shell extension itself is written in a way that only works in File Explorer (whether by accident or on purpose). Do thumbnails for those files work in any programs other than Explorer?
Are you using the same version of the same software that handles CRV3D files as before?
Edit: This thread may be relevant: Thumbnails in Explorer with OneDrive? - Vectric Customer
CRV3D isn't an extension anything in Opus handles so the thumbnail request should be dropping through to the shell. I'm not sure why it would then work in Explorer but not in Opus, since it should ultimately be the same code within Windows talking to whichever shell extension is handling it.
Yes, I know this that's why I find it strange that it works on explorer and not on Dopus
It's possible the shell extension itself is written in a way that only works in File Explorer (whether by accident or on purpose). Do thumbnails for those files work in any programs other than Explorer?
Yes, they work fine with Illustrator, which is also installed from the programs Installed previously I haven't installed yet Inkscape, Corel Draw, and Fast picture viewer pro
Are you using the same version of the same software that handles CRV3D files as before?
I am using the same version but before the OS reinstall I had an older version installed as well because some files sometimes have trouble opening with the newer versions
I recall that when they showed in Dopus they only showed to a certain level of thumbnail size if I enlarged over 150, 160, thumbnails would automatically revert to icons
I had read another thread not so specific about the One drive issue, I'll have a look into that, although One Drive is installed I rarely use it, I've been using Pcloud service for several years and had no issue whatsoever.
Sorry to bring this up again, but is there anything else I can try to see if I can this working it really makes a big difference to be able to see the thumbnails
I'm not sure Opus is really involved here, since it isn't the thing making the thumbnails.
Have you asked the authors or the component which generates the thumbnails?