Missing OneDrive Icons with Windows 10

After my upgrade to Windows 10 Pro (clean install), I found that my OneDrive folders and files no longer showed icons in a lister (Power Mode). Following Jon & Leo's advice on this thread [url]Randomly missing folder and file icons], I used ShellExView to try and find the cause.

Firstly, I disabled all the Icon Overlay Handlers associated with OneDrive (8 in total). I cleared the icon cache, rebooted and lo and behold, my OneDrive icons were back.

I narrowed the culprit down to the 'UpToDateOverlayHandler Class' (which uses 'FileSyncShell64.dll'). With this disabled and all the other handlers enabled, I have all my OneDrive icons present and correct (except maybe a file 'Up to Date' overlay).

The problem does not occur with File Explorer which shows all icons with all handlers enabled.

I don't know whether this is a DOpus issue or (more likely) a OneDrive issue but I thought I would raise it here to see if it helps anyone else experiencing the same problem.

It may be a Windows limitation. There can only be 16 overlay icons total in any process. Whichever shell extension reserves them first wins, and the order depends on the order the program asks for file/folder icons.

By disabling one of the other extensions taking up overlay icon slots, you may have ensured there were spare slots available for the overlays you want more.

Thanks for the reply Leo.

Surely though, if my system had hit the limits, the icons would not have shown up in File Explorer either. Also, this only started after I installed Windows 10 - and I have more or less (less actually) the same programs etc. installed as with my previous Windows 8.1.

No, the order can vary by program, and across restarts:

OK, I understand that, but I assume I would be seeing different 'missing' icons (i.e. DropBox) each time I booted/rebooted, whereas it's only the OneDrive icons that go walkabout.

Furthermore, I disabled each of the OneDrive handlers in turn to try and isolate the one causing the problem. With all 8 OneDrive handlers disabled, I see what appear to be standard folder/file type icons (same as any other folder/files). I re-enabled each in turn (from top to bottom), exiting/starting DOpus each time, and it was only when the last one was re-enabled that I lost the icons. I did think of removing/re-installing OneDrive but I can't find an entry in the Apps lists - its integrated to my Office 365 installation I guess and I don't fancy doing that from scratch again.

This is the list of Icon Overlay Handlers currently running on my system - it totals 24 with the last one being disabled.