MMB for rename in details view - is it possible?

I'm using power mode in 99% of the time, but sometimes I'm using details (for editing MP3 tags for example). Is any way to made middle mouse button to rename in details mode like in power mode?

You could turn on Preferences / File Displays / Mouse / Single middle click to trigger middle double-click events on background and files and then, under Settings > File Types > All Files and Folders, set the middle double-click event to run Rename INLINE.

It's not working like in Power. I clicked MMB but rename function is activate for selected file by cursor, not by mouse pointer.

This works a bit better, but will deselect the file as well:


If you remove DESELECT then it will also work, and leave the file selected.

I am not sure if there is a way to make it not modify the selection. (The issue is that the middle double-click event inherently selects the file before any additional command is triggered, so it's already selected -- but not focused -- when the command starts doing things, and it can either leave it selected or deselect it.)

I'm not really care about selection in details mode, because I'm using it rarely for other purposes. MMB can select file and activate rename in the same time or not select - it doesn't matter.

This commands works good. Thank you.

Something is wrong now in Power Mode. When I click MMB file in destination lister, file selects and deselects immediately. I must repeat it on source lister. It's similar bug that I've reported some time ago (and it was fixed).

Sounds like your MMB is faulty.

No, is not. I tested it many times. And it always work on source lister and always deselects on destination lister.

What changed between when it was working and when it stopped working?

cmd.RunCommand("Set STATE=Source");

This command makes problem.
Strange because it was fixed here: MMB in power mode rename problem

And I don't know is it start making problem again in new beta or earlier.

I think perfect solution for that problem will be option to set single lister as source while window activation (no matter what way - by clicking on title bar or by alt+tab). I using script for that but it makes problem as I see (fixed once in some version but now works like before fix).