More Powerful Filesystem Views

I would like to be have more flexible ways of displaying data on my filesystem.

I prefer a more clean and representative structure, that, while still fulfilling the filesystem paradigma gets arranged in a more thematical way.

For example, I would like to drop applications like Google's Picasa2, since I feel this is something I should be able to do with a filemanager (I am not talking about the additional features, like contact-sheet creation, that does not belong into a filemanager, but into plugged-in scripts (Dopus5 anyone ? :wink:).

However, the art of displaying data is what I want :wink: More sophisticated views, path-bound toolbars, views and layouts, automatically rearranging.

The File's collections does not really fulfill this.

Let's say I go into "My Pictures". The lister layout automagically rearranges into a list of drawers, sorted in a certain fashion on one side, in the middle the thumbs and to the left or bottom the viewer. In addition to that, I got a new row of toolbars, where I could put some image-utilities into.

Also a more sophsticated ID3 tag module would be nice. Something, that makes me drop ID3TagIt.

I don't know when or if it will be implemented but I think the idea of toolbars which are tied to folder formats (and thus can be tied to Content Types or to specific folders) is already on the suggestion list.

Not sure if anyone has suggested the possibility of changing the whole lister layout/style based on folder formats. That isn't a bad idea but you could also do it via the existing Styles system. (It would not happen automatically when you enter a directory, but you could do it the other way around and have the style set the directory as well as turn on the viewer pane and so on.)

Extended ID3 (etc.) support would be cool as well and I think must be on the list somewhere. I'd love to see it so I could stop using other tools to organise my music tags, but I also think it's a big job to do right. There are lots of tagging formats to support in addition to ID3 (the plugin system would need extending a little to prevent Opus having to handle every format internally) and making the UI work right isn't trivial, at least if Opus is to do everything that the good tagging tools (i.e. The Godfather) do, like regular expression search & replace on the fields, allowing fields to be inserted/moved into other fields, support for cover art, arbitrary text fields, and so on. (Plus just allowing you to edit multiple columns in the listers.)

It sure would be nice, though.

I have an unsubmitted item on my list to add which local toolbars are open to Lister Styles.

Can you mention Layouts as well when you submit that? I'd quite like that every so often. (I think Gus may have asked for it a while ago* but not sure so it doesn't hurt to mention Layouts if you're going to request it for Styles.)

(*Before we lost him to the evil that is World of Warcraft. :frowning:)

Sure no problem.

Oh man, that is one major bummer. I've occasionally wondered whatever happened to Gus, I used to love his wit and sarcasm on the forums, not to mention his knowledge.

ONLY occasionally???
I have heard my wit and sarcasm referred to by other names, what names exactly though, I cannot possibly say :unamused:

Don't EVER take up playing MMORPGs! :slight_smile:
They CONSUME you!!


Ahhh Gus ......

I read your posts long before I ever wrote to this forum.

[quote]Don't EVER take up playing MMORPGs!
They CONSUME you!! [/quote]
Point well taken.

If you happen to do any digital photography in Raw Images, I'd suggest Leo's new Raw Image viewer.
I've been in conversation with Leo about the four White Balance fields.
I wanted to be able to increase color temperature in the viewer.
Leo suggested running dcraw -v on my Raw Images to get some numbers.
The numbers are always the same .
Any attempt to deviate from those numbers introduces horrible noise and bizarre color.

However, increasing Black Point and then Brightness does the trick.
Raw White Balance 2.126 , 1.000, 1.102, 1.000
with Black Point 200 and Brightness 1.500 is my first success.
I did it only minutes ago.
Highlights were set as "Attempt to intellegently reconstruct".
AFAIK, Image must be at Full (slow).

Even Leo doesn't know this yet .


[quote]ONLY occasionally???
I have heard my wit and sarcasm referred to by other names, what names exactly though, I cannot possibly say

Don't EVER take up playing MMORPGs!
They CONSUME you!![/quote]


I'm glad I misinterpreted Leo's message, in today's wicked world it was easy to assume the worst. After I googled MMORPG I think I have an idea what's happened to you. You done been hijacked! At any rate tis good to see you popping in now and then, you owe it to your fans ya know. :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote="biggus"]ONLY occasionally???
I have heard my wit and sarcasm referred to by other names, what names exactly though, I cannot possibly say :unamused:

Don't EVER take up playing MMORPGs! :slight_smile:
They CONSUME you!![/quote]Good to hear from you, Gus - even if only occasionally!

I use audio tagging quite extensively, and would love to see better support for it in Directory Opus.

DOpus has the advantage of handling a lot of things that I used to use several other programs for, and if it could masstag ID3 tags and such, that'd be great.

Currently there are two programs I use to handle all that:
foobar2000 - the veritable king of audio player software, and

The Godfather is pretty good too... I kinda like the interface of MP3BookHelper better. All mentioned files are free tools. Perhaps it would be possible to even use source code from MP3BookHelper, although I haven't looked into what licensing it uses.

And yeah, it'd be a big job, so I wouldn't seriously expect it, because it is a wee bit outside the scope of DOpus. Very cool and handy that you can now use DOpus to rename files with ID3 tags though!