Mouse over thumb really small


I had not updated DO on my server and is still on v8.2.2.5 ... When I do a mouse over of a picture, the preview thumb is really big (the way i like it). On my laptop, the same mouse over thumb is really small. How can i fix that.

It uses the thumbnail size set in Preferences.

Did something change between DO8 and DO9, because my server is running 1152x864 res and the thumbs is set to 110x110 in the prefs. The laptop is 1280x800 and the thumbs prefs is set to 120x120. Granted the laptop is slightly longer but not enough to justify that much of a change in size in the thumb

Judging by your screenshots (I haven't verified this) it looks like Opus 8 always used 256x256 thumbs in infotips* while Opus 9 uses the thumbnail size set in Preferences.

(* If dynamic thumbnail resizing is switched on, since that option causes 256x256 versions of images to be stored in the thumbnail cache and the Opus 8 infotip appears to be pulling out the cached image as-is.)

both versions have dynamic resizing turned on. Both are using the same configuration file.

I guess it's different then :slight_smile: