Mouse screwed after changing specific preferences


I encounter these real weird mouse inconsistencies (i.e. fake'd right mouse clicks, and unresponsive mouse) every time I changed something in the Preferences window (more specifically Settings/Preferences/Display/Toolbars)

Steps to reproduce the problem :

  • Go into Settings, Preferences, Display, Toolbars

  • (When toolbar style is set to Office 2003) Now change the "Highlight base color" by clicking the color box, clicking More... altering some RGB values, then clicking OK, Apply and OK again.

  • Now when out of the preferences window, immediately try clicking Favorites menu item....

  • Sometimes you can't click anything (sometimes not even on the windows taskbar), and sometimes when you click the Favorites menu item, and you mouse over some favorites, popups occur as if you rightclicked these items.

  • The symptoms appear for approx 10 to 15 secs after OK'ing some changes in the Highlight base color (from Settings, Preferences, Display, Toolbars )

Does anyone else experience these weird symptoms ?


Just to add:

  • The symptoms appear until DO is closed and restarted.

[quote="Devilder"]Does anyone else experience these weird symptoms ?

I completed your stages step by step, but no problem occurred.

I can't reproduce this either, after a couple of attempts.

Does it still happen for you if you click on some empty space of the Preferences window to make the colour selector close before clicking Apply and OK?

Which mouse driver are you using? (Logitech SetPoint 3.30 here.)

You mean the context menu appears? (With Open and Explore as the first two items.) Or are you seeing the infotips appear? infotips when hovering are normal but the context menu isn't.

[quote="leo"]I can't reproduce this either, after a couple of attempts.

Does it still happen for you if you click on some empty space of the Preferences window to make the colour selector close before clicking Apply and OK?[/quote]

Exactly, I need to click some empty space for the color selection box to dissapear and to be able to click "Apply".

Yes, I'm using the Logitech drivers.
Screenshot from Device Manager in XP :

No, I'm seeing the context menu, just as if you rightclick, the whole menu with Open/Open with/Send to../etc...

Hope this can be solved. Looks like the problem must be on my end.
Is it know that the DO Configuration could become corrupted ?

Leo, Do you see any inconsistencies in my Mouse drivers please ?

All I see is a version number and some DLL file names that I know nothing about. What is there that could be inconsistent? :slight_smile: I'm no expert on SetPoint; in fact I'm still using 3.30 as I had to hack around with the config file to make it work right and can't be bothered upgrading to version 4.

It wouldn't be Opus "configuration corruption" either. There's nothing in the configuration data that could trigger this. It's got to be an interplay between Opus and the mouse drivers, or possibly some utility program that affects the mouse. Or it could be caused by Opus alone but we haven't worked out the trigger yet.

Oh, is your Preferences window "On-Top", or "On-Top (Opus Only)"? Maybe that is a factor.