Move to Specific Location

Sorry, this is likely one of those noob questions...of which I've had plenty. Patience, I'm a Linux guy. :slight_smile:

I want to make button to move all the selected files to a specific location. I run a dual lister, but I don't want to change the dest from what it is - just take these files and archive them away "over there".

Seems so obvious - I would have thought the raw copy command would have an optional destination, but I don't see it in the help. How would you do this?



Copy MOVE TO "C:\blah\blah\blah"

Thanks for the quick response, Jon. :stuck_out_tongue:

Am I nuts or is that not in the help? It's not in "Copy", and I can't find it in the "overview" section.


Both the MOVE and TO arguments are documented for the Copy command in the Raw Commands section of the manual.

/me slaps head. :blush: