Moving a file that's in a collection

[quote="shareziz"]I am a newbie to DOpus (from Power Desk and Total Commander), and firstly would like to add my accolade - it's simply amazing!

There is just one thing so far I have a problem with and that is that when I add files to a collection, I often need to then move the actual files, and whether I do it from within the collection or from the original folder the collection does not update to reflect the new location - am I doing something wrong (or failing to do something) or is is this just the way it is?

I expected to find my answer in faq or posts, but I have searched and only come up with some old info which related to files put in the collection using "find", whereas mine are usually manually created.

Thanks in advance...[/quote]

It can't be done. Take a look at this post: [url]Can File Collections locate moved files?].