Currently using Directory Opus 13.12 x64.
When moving a Directory Structure today, I noticed that phantom directories were shown in the destination top level directory, but only for the first couple of source top level directories during the file move. These are shown in faint text as per legitimate folders to be created. This does not impact the actual file move which recreates the structure as it was on the source drive with the directories below created in the correct structure.
Example of issue - when moving a structure including these initial directories:
Artist\Allbum1\CD 01
Artist\Album1\CD 02
Artist\Album1\CD 03
Artist\Album1\CD 04
The following phantom directories are shown in faint text on the destination but never used:
CD 01
CD 02
CD 03
CD 04
As stated above, these are only shown during the move, and disaapear when move is completed