Moving large files from phone to C drive

When I select 10 large video files or a large number of jpg to be moved from phone to C drive Directory Opus freezes and there is no progress bar.

Is there a setting I need to change?

Please see here for suggestions:

thanks for the quick response. I am using a Samsung Note 5G Ultra with up to date firmware transferring data to a Windows 10 machine. Ill give the suggestions a try.

Jumping in here. As the link Leo gave you stated, for me FTP is so much better, easier, faster etc No wires.

For me (Samsung Galaxy S8 and S21Ultra phones) I use the free android app Material Files


Open it on your phone and Settings -> FTP server -> Start
Its gives you a URL. Thats all, 3 steps.
Go to a DOPUS lister and open that URL.
Thats it. Copy paste drag drop to your hearts content! Either direction. I have dropped over 100Gb of movies and 256 Gb of music this way.

Love love love DOPUS.

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