i recently installed the newest build, and now all of my mp3 thumbnails are scrambled.
i cleared the thubnail cache but that didn't help.
i checked the tracks with my my tagging app and all thumbnails are intact.
the images are also scrambled in tooltips.
any ideas?
Is it particular to those files?
It's fine with my files. I've attached an example that displays fine for me if you want to try it.
Test Cover.zip (33.5 KB)
thank you for the test file, leo. the thumbnail works fine.
no, it's not those particular files - all 6000 tracks on my computer are corrupt. but like i said, the album art shows up fine in MP3tag...
i did just go through them all and add a date tag using foobar. maybe that did something to the tags that DOpus doesn't like.
tomorrow i'll try removing the album art from a few, then re-embed it and see if that helps.
Presumably all your files have had the album art added by the same program? Which one?
Can you please post an example file here that fails?
From his post it may have been mp3tag... It might also be good to know what format of source image was used? I don't know if there is any 'conversion' that takes place of the source image file when writing it to the tag, but I tried both jpg and png and it worked fine - even with files tagged using mp3tag.
I've some apps that allow you to designate the 'type' of image you're adding (, cover, front, back, disc, etc)... Wonder how those are stored...
I did a quick test with mp3tag and Opus can show the thumbnail fine...
It looks like Foobar is mangling the image when it re-writes the tags. I took my working test file above and set the artist tag using Foobar; after that Opus displays a corrupt image while Windows Media Player and DBPowerAmp don't display any image for the file at all.
Mangled version attached, FWIW.
I've seen posts from people saying that Foobar trashes cover art when it edits tags but it was supposed to be fixed. I guess not in all cases. (I'm using Foobar2000
Test Cover foobared.zip (33.6 KB)
thanks for the replies.
the problem is indeed foobar. i suspected DOpus because yesterday i updated, and yesterday all 6000 thumbnails became corrupt (they were working before). opening the tracks in Mp3Tag still showed the proper album art.
but yesterday i also added the year to all my tracks. i never suspected foobar would mess them up!
anyway i removed the album art from one album, then re-imbedded it with Mp3Tag, and it's working fine now.
We've discovered that Foobar doesn't actually "corrupt" the image data, it just writes it in a different way that Opus currently doesn't understand. However it's easy to adapt Opus to support it, so the next version will most likely address this issue.
gar! i just wiped all the album art from my songs to start over...
oh well, it's good to know this will be fixed in the next build. thanks jon!
It's probably worth re-adding your album art anyway since a lot of other programs also don't understand the way Foobar had written the cover (though they act as if there's no cover at all rather than displaying a garbled image).
maybe you're right, but that means never using foobar to edit a tag again
i've not tested the tracks on my ipod, i'm curious to know if they would work OK.
well as long as DOpus gets fixed i'm fine, the other apps i use deal with folder.jpg rather than embedded album art.
If you do find problems with other programs then there's an "advanced" option in Foobar which makes it write tags using a slower, but more compatible, method.
That works around problems some programs have reading Foobar's tags but I don't know if it will affect this particular case. Use of the setting seems to be discouraged, too, but I thought I'd mention it in case you run into problems and didn't know it existed.