MS Access addin conflicts/problems w/ Web downloads as well


I have sent this to support as well, but thought that there may be additional insight here on the Forum.

First, when DOpus is running as a process it compromises most of my addins for the Access 2000 spk3 IDE. So I either have to not try to load them or go into Task Manager and turn the dopus.exe process off before I start Access.

Is there any way to simply call DO when I want to use it and have it completely unloaded and not running in the background as a process when I'm not? (This problem is occurring on more than one machine, with more than one addin.)

Also, when I click on a link on a Web page that normally would bring up a dialog asking me whether I would like to Download, Open or Cancel, although the dialog is displayed, it immediately starts a download to God knows where, and then, when done, starts to make all the windows on my Desktop flicker. If I go into Task Manager, I can see dopus.exe - so to try and end the process - but, because the Task Manager is also showing the dopus.exe process intermittently flickering as well, I can't always catch it and stop it.

If I don't stop it, the flickering and tying up the CPU, to the disruption of the rest of my system can only be stopped with a reboot. (This has happened on several occasions, on different Web pages.) The only way I can get DO to download something like this correctly is to right click the link and use "Save Target As".

Any thoughts would bew appreciated (I'm using version 2.2).


Why do you think Opus is interfering with Access or where Internet Explorer downloads files to? Opus shouldn't have any interaction with either program unless you're viewing their files in the viewer pane.

What do you mean when you say the add-ins are "compromised"?

If the Access add-ins are trying to open Explorer windows and failing because Opus has taken over Explorer (seems unlikely but...) then turning off Opus's Explorer Replacement Mode should solve the problem. (Preferences / Miscellaneous / Explorer Replacement.)

Opus has nothing at all to do with the File Save dialog, where Internet Explorer saves files and flickering windows, I can assure you.

What's version 2.2? Directory Opus 2 is years old and only ran on the Amiga. :slight_smile: Are we talking about the same program?


First, my bad, the version number is 8.22. Also, I should mention that I’m very fond of DO; used it for a few years and gave it a good rating in a review about it I wrote for PC Today magazine, so my gripes are given voice only because I want to keep using DO for a long time to come. The crux of the matter is, however, that I am an Access/VBA developer and must have these VB/VBA IDE add-ins work.

Next, I know that DO is at the very least part of the Access add-in problem because any time DO is open, minimized or even closed but running as a process in the background, Access add-ins fail. What form does this take? First a series of error messages indicating that the add-in(s) can’t load properly. Next, even if they do manage to load at all, the icons on their respective toolbars are blank - imageless. Sometimes, the add-in will still work – sort of – other times I will get the same error messages when trying to call it/them.

This only happens in conjunction with DO; as soon as I stop it and re-launch Access, everything is back to normal. These results are reproducible and consistent. Perhaps another program or utility (I don’t run a virus checker in the background) exacerbates this problem, yet every time I see smoke, DO is at the scene of the fire… For what it’s worth, if I load Access first and then DO things are copasetic.

As for the IE download problem not possibly being related to DO; how many times have we heard “…it can’t possibly be [product name here] that’s causing the problem, in fact…” from Microsoft, Symantec, Group 1, etc., etc. and so forth only to find out later that… well you get my drift. Because these problems are all solved the minute that DO is no longer running, and because they are reproducible even when I unload every TSR and background process I can, I have to take Ockham’s position: if it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck and look’s like a duck…

Any insights or ideas (other than it can’t possibly be DO), such as DO and something else (acting as a catalyst) might be the problem, or similar anomalies that have been encountered by others, would be useful and very much appreciated.


  • GCH

It's amazing the problems that Opus can cause isn't it!

Eg [My mouse has gone crazy!)

(a hint: as leo said, there's no way Opus could conflict with Access or IE. You will need to look elsewhere)


You are absolutely right!

It's astounding to learn the range of things that Opus can't possibly do. Apparently I've stumbled onto the Church of Opus site...

Sorry to intrude. Ave DOpus, morituri te salutamus.


Gauisus iuvo.

Ad Astra Per Aspera.


Maybe you've got a dodgy shell extension or some spyware on your machine that is loaded by Opus (and Explorer) and is messing things up?

It can't be opus by itself.

Pie Iesu domine,
Pie Iesu domine,
Pie Iesu domine,
Pie Ies.........

You could try having RegMon and FileMon loaded, monitoring what Access and Opus are doing when Access starts.

Have you tried disabling Explorer Replacement Mode in Opus?

Is it all Access add-ins or just some, e.g. by the same company or developer? I don't use Access but I develop Excel add-ins at work and have never had a problem like this.