MSN Messenger

Im using the Contact function in Opus to see my Messenger contacts. It does work, but it automaticly starts Windows Messenger.

I don't want to work with Windows Messenger, because I use MSN Messenger 6.2.

How can you use MSN Messenger in stead of Windows Messenger?

I'm wondering about the same thing. I've never even heard of 'windows messenger'. I thought everybody used MSN messenger. When I select contact list from the view menu, the list is blank with the title Contact List (not signed in). When I select sign in, nothing happens!

What should I do to see my msn contacts?

Opus should use whichever one is registered as the Messenger COM component.

Try finding the program files for the Messenger you want to use and run

regsvr32 filename.dll

on all the DLL files and/or

filename.exe /regserver

on all the executable files.

I've found windows messenger on my system so I uninstalled it and did the registry instructions, but still nothing happens. How do I know if msn messenger is registered as the messenger com component?

I don't have MSN Messenger installed (can't stand the advertising in it) so I'm not sure if this will work but if you go to Add/Remove Programs and then select Set Program Access and Defaults is there an option to set MSN Messenger as the default instant messaging program?

Windows Messenger is similar to MSN Messenger but comes with Windows and is free (including free of advertising), but also has fewer features. They're almost certainly part of the same codebase but Microsoft don't seem interested in porting the newer features to Windows Messenger.

(I know there are hacks to hide the advertising in MSN Messenger. I'm happy enough with what Windows Messenger does that I don't want to install hacks on my system, nor know that the advertising is still being downloaded even if it isn't shown.)

No, there is only an option to set windows messenger (or the current) as the default messenger :frowning:

I didn't know there were hacks to remove the ads. I did a little google search and found A-patch which makes my msn messenger smooth and clean...

[quote="newboy"]No, there is only an option to set windows messenger (or the current) as the default messenger :frowning:

I didn't know there were hacks to remove the ads. I did a little google search and found A-patch which makes my msn messenger smooth and clean...[/quote]
Probably the best patch for MSN messenger is called Mess Patch, which you can download free from It really cleans things up. Make sure to get the version which matches your version of MSN Messenger.