Multiple commands

I am reasonably new to DO and am attempting to create a button that performs 2 functions. First to enable the user to enter in a 'key word'. The second is to search a specific folder for all files that either have the keyword in the name, or contain the keyword. So far I have been able to enter a keyword and search for files 'containing' or 'named' but so far DO only does the first search

Here are my thoughts:

@set keyword {dlgstring|Please enter a keyword}
Find . CONTAINING "{$keyword}" IN "C:\support\useful documents" OR
Find NAME = "{$keyword}" IN "c:\support\useful documents"

Second idea:

@set keyword {dlgstring|Please enter a keyword}
Find . {NAME|CONTAINING} = "{$keyword}" IN "c:\support\useful documents"


@set keyword {dlgstring|Please enter a keyword}
Find {. CONTAINING "{$keyword}"|NAME = "{$keyword}" } IN "C:\support\useful documents"

Wondering if anyone could provide any guidence on how this may be achieved?

Many thanks.

I gave following syntax a try, it looked ok to me, but unfortunately did not work out.

Find NAME "{$keyword}" IN d:\find_test CONTAINING "{$keyword}" LOADPREV=no

Setting up a filter might be worth another attempt ?!
With filters it is possible to search for filenames and their content at the same time, perhaps there is a way to get your searchstring into that filter ?!

Thanks for the response. I did think about the filter thing, but I read somewhere that you were not able to pass strings back into a filter. Perhaps I missunderstood the document and there is a way??

Well, i don't know.. o)

I had another attempt, running two Find commands in one command-set, but it does not seem to work, i just tried quite hard.

I had two commands, one for the filename and another one for the content search, both work when called individually, but not within one command-set or button. Combining their results seems not possible - i had the idea to just run the find command twice and store any hits into a custom file collection, but that failed.

Have you tried typing what you want to search for into the search field, top-right of the default toolbars? That will use Windows Search which I think does a filename + contents search by default.

That search field you mention, finds files with matching name only, at least here on my system.. o)

Looks like Windows Search only looks at file contents if the files are in an indexed folder.