For everyday common tasks...and/or
If you want new keybinding and not sure what to set them as, or it makes you strech your hand into uncomfortable position. this is for you!
Directory Opus has the option to basically turn the lister file display background into a giant button, which requires double clicking.
Labeled, "Double-click on file display background", found here.
Preferences -> File Displays -> Options
At first you might think you only have one function to execute, this is true. But the @keydown modifier allow a block of the function to run, allowing us more options to do separate/unrelated task within the same function. A block of the function would be the lines following the @keydown modifier until it hits another @keydown modifier, or the end of the function. And @keydown:common gets run everytime along with the qualifier parts.
With the available key qualifiers from @keydown it gives you 7 unique key combinations. Along with the default double click, that is 8. So not only is this Giant button huge there might as well be 8 of them!
(FYI: I tried win key qualifier, didn't work)
I've included all the qualifier combinations as a template for you to copy as it will assist you if you decide to set it up (and a few common commands)... Below example needs to be created in a User-defined command found under the command tab in customize dialog.
Go /desktop
Clipboard SET {sourcepath$|noterm}
Last but not least, you'll need to setup opus to point to user cmd, again
Preferences -> File Displays -> Options