My Computer - classic view

Currently I have Directory Opus set to display the columns :1.filename, 2.size on disk, 3.modified, 4.ext, 5.location in the right window panel.
This is applicable for drives folders and files.
It took (quite) a while, trying out a number of options, to have this layout firmly 'fixed', because each time, for whatever reason, I don't
remember, it changed and I had to restore the configuration backup.
(e.g. when the cursor jumped to 'My Computer' whilst removing a portablee drive)
This was quite annoying.

Anyway, it is okay now and it should never change.

That said, once I click on 'My Computer' I get only 1 column, the drives.

For that reason I now use Windows Explorer to see the drive sizes and available space.
Considering the time/attempts in the past on getting my current Directory Opus view, I am afraid to change the lister/view
for My Computer as it may affect the view that I now have.

I know, it is weird to use Windows Explorer for something Directory Opus has been designed to do.

Q: How to change the view of My Computer, but without having effects on the current lister?
(If it is not possible, I leave it this way)


Change the columns in My Computer, then open the Folder Options window and choose "Save -> For this Folder"

I did so, Select My Computer, added columns, clicked on apply, in the same window, selected, "Save the currecnt folder format:" pulldown and Fo this folder, clicked okay.

I lost my other layout: ext. and location were gone.


Have you got the format lock on or something? Make sure it is off.

I'm sure we've been through this before with your config.

Either way, hover the mouse over the lock icon and it will tell you where the current format comes from.

Yes, I remember, was a couple of months ago, "Folder format lost (bug?)"-thread.
Also a thread "Re: Lister layout issues"

Comes v.10 so I gave it a try again :slight_smile:

Now I messed up things again, so restored the correct settings. Padlock is indeed 'closed'.
I opened the padlock and it then shows

When I leave it open and click on my computer, okay, the some columns are shown (available space, space used and percentage used).

When I then hoover over the open padlock the below is shown (and also my settings are gone, by the way)


If the padlock is closed when you open the window, you need to change whatever it is that you are opening (presumably the default lister, or a layout, or a style, depending on your setup) so that it is no longer locked. Then worry about which format is saved for each folder.

I looked at the config you sent me via private message.

Literally all you have to do is turn off the format-lock (i.e. click the padlock so it is open) and then use Settings -> Set as Default Lister to save that as the default state.

That's it.

To be honest, donot know what to say. Let it rest. When I open the padlock, set to default lister and change columns in My Computer and went back to any other drive,the columns changed again. Tried this almost half a dozen times. Thanks for your support sofar, let's forget it, I'll use Windows Explorer for 'My Computer' - no big deal and not worth spending much more time on it. :slight_smile:
Again thanks!

You don't need to change columns in My Computer.

Just do what I said and nothing more. That's what I did with your config, and after doing that when I opened a new window the columns you want were already there in My Computer (since you had, presumably, already saved them for the folder and the only problem was they were being overridden by the format lock being on).

If that doesn't work then you need to explain what you're doing exactly. e.g. How you are opening the window, how you are navigating to My Computer, etc.

My exact steps

  1. Launch Directory Opus
  2. Unlock the padlock in the right hand bottom corner
  3. Go to My Computer at the top of the foldertree (left window panel)
  4. Change colums / or do nothing (I deselected column Percent Full)
  5. Go to any other drive, C:

Notice that ext. and location are gone.

If you wish I can post snapshots of the screens.


Try actually following the steps I gave. :slight_smile: