Need a special rename button


i found the 2 rename buttons for capitalizing words and change _ to " " (spaces), what's really good to work with.

i tried, but i don't know how to make more of rename options like that. f.e. i wish to have a button which crops even the last x letters in a file name.

"hello - i am dead" - button klick - "hello - i am" (when x=5)

is this possible?

then i would need one for minimalize extension (.AVI to .avi)..... hope someone can help :X

Remove the last five characters from the file name and ensure extension is lower case all in one button. From here you can figure out how to each individually.

<?xml version="1.0"?> <button display="both" effect="gray"> <guid>{3190F9B8-C395-49BF-BB80-EADF5DC5EA4B}</guid> <label>Remove Last 5 Chars</label> <tip>Remove the last five characters from the file name and ensure extension is lower case.</tip> <icon1>16</icon1> <function type="normal"> <instruction>Rename REGEXP PATTERN="(.*).....\.(.*)" TO="\1.\2" CASE=extlower </instruction> </function> </button>

To get this button into your configuration:[ol][li] Right-click any toolbar and select Customize.[/li]
[li] Copy the code above.[/li]
[li] Right-click the target toolbar and select Paste.[/li][/ol]

These two buttons allow you to remove the number of characters you want at the start or the end of file name

<xml> <button> <guid>{3190F9B8-C395-49BF-BB80-EADF5DC5EA4B}</guid> <label>Remove n First Character(s) (files only)</label> <tip>Remove the desired number of first character(s) from file name (preserving extension)</tip> <icon1>16</icon1> <function> <instruction>@NoDeselect</instruction> <instruction>Rename TYPE=files REGEXP PATTERN ".(.+)(\..*)#{dlgstring|Enter Number of Characters to Remove}" TO "\1\2" AUTORENAME</instruction> </function> </button>

<xml> <button> <guid>{5F9B9C7F-2A52-40F4-8088-E81BE23CC8AE}</guid> <label>Remove n Last Character(s) (files only)</label> <tip>Remove the desired number of last character(s) from file name (preserving extension)</tip> <icon1>16</icon1> <function> <instruction>@NoDeselect</instruction> <instruction>Rename TYPE=files REGEXP PATTERN "(.+).(.*)(\..*)#{dlgstring|Enter Number of Characters to Remove}" TO "\1\3" AUTORENAME</instruction> </function> </button>

thank you both so much!!