Need for {filepathleft} and {filepathright}


using the following code I use WinMerge to compare 2 files, however, I always need to take close attention as the which item is currently "source" & "destination" for Winmerge to open the files in the same "window" as they are in DO, for example I want to open the item from the left lister to open as the left item in Winmerge, therefor it would be better to have some parameters like {filepathleft$} and {filepathright$}.

C:\Program Files\WinMerge\WinMergeU.exe /r /e /x {filepath$} {filepathdest$} @nodeselect

Right now, we can only do that to pass only the path without the filename using {leftpath} and {rightpath}.
Please, could it be possible to add such an option ?

If you're using Opus 11, this script is probably a better way to call WinMerge: External Compare and Merge Tools 2.0

In Opus 10, you can use the techniques shown / linked to in my reply here: Beyond Compare buttons

Hi Leo,

I've used your code, using the method by adding


to the front of the script.

Now it is like this :

Set SOURCE=Left "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinMerge\WinMergeU.exe" /r /e /x {filepath$} {filepathdest$} @nodeselect
I can see the source being set to the left by seeing the selection colors change right before the program is called, however it seems for whatever reason, it's still being handled as if that "Set Source..." line was not there ? :neutral_face:

P.S. This is on my Laptop, which still has v9 installed.

Ah, I didn't take care of your external "dopusrt /cmd" method.
Now all works fine !

Thank you very much. :smiley: