Need help for {allfilepath$}

I have a standard button:

"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\ObviousIdea\Light Image Resizer 6\Resize.exe" {allfilepath$} /profile="Coverart" /run

I am trying to use it in a JavaScript

cmd.RunCommand("%ProgramFiles(x86)%\\ObviousIdea\\Light Image Resizer 6\\Resize.exe" );

This Line works fine and run the Light Image Resizer. but when I add {allfilepath$}
It's doesn't works

cmd.RunCommand("%ProgramFiles(x86)%\\ObviousIdea\\Light Image Resizer 6\\Resize.exe" {allfilepath$} /profile="Coverart" /run );

Simply move the {allfilepath$} /profile="Coverart" /run part within the existing quotation.

cmd.RunCommand("%ProgramFiles(x86)%\\ObviousIdea\\Light Image Resizer 6\\Resize.exe {allfilepath$} /profile=\"Coverart\" /run");

Note that we had to escape the quotes within quotes for the "Coverart" with a backslash \".

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You'll want quotes around the path to the exe as well.