I hide the NerOpus tool bar, but it doesn't stay hidden the next time I start DOpus as do other toolbars.
Why?? Can't find anything in oreferences or customize about this. Don't know where else to look. ????
Thanks, Jim
I hide the NerOpus tool bar, but it doesn't stay hidden the next time I start DOpus as do other toolbars.
Why?? Can't find anything in oreferences or customize about this. Don't know where else to look. ????
Thanks, Jim
By any chance, do you have the Floating toolbar option enabled for the toolbar in question?
Floating toolbars always open when Opus loads.
Also check the setting: Preferences - Toolbars - Save state of floating Toolbars automatically on exit.
If that setting is not enabled, and you close a floating toolbar, the toolbar will come back when you exit and relaunch Opus--it will still be a floating toolbar.
If that setting is enabled, and you close a floating toolbar, the toolbar will not come back when you exit and relaunch Opus--it will no longer be a floating toolbar.
I just checked to be certain and no I do Not have the floating toolbar enabled for the NerOpus toolbar nor for any other toolbar.
How did you originally turn on the toolbar?
How did you hide it?
There are several ways to do both and the answer may depend on which you used.
I originally turned it on by going into "Customize" and selecting it.
I hide it by right mouse clicking in an open are of the neropus toolbar and then selcting "Hide" from the pop-up menu.
Try Close instead of Hide.
When a toolbar is hidden (you selected Hide from its Context menu), Opus should open a very thin "toolbar" just below the lister Title Bar. There will be a tiny "8-button icon" for each hidden toolbar. See the screen grab below, which shows my standard Toolbar hidden.
If you hover the mouse over the tiny 8-button icons, it will display which toolbar it represents. If you single-click on a toolbar's 8-button icon, the toolbar will be unhidden.