I have one computer on my home network that likes to occassionaly not show up in "Network".
The problem I have is that I can point to it "\Computer" and Opus will pull up the drive list just fine, BUT the drives and directories won't show up in the folder tree. This makes navigation a big problem.
I know one solution would be mapped drives, but I REALLY do not want to do that.
Donny, try to open a shared folder in Opus after navigating to \Computer. The root namespace indeed does not get displayed in Opus' folder tree, but once you navigate into a (shared) network folder or any actual folder inside "\Computer" (such as "\Computer\C$", assuming you are admin), it will begin to auto-sync the tree.
[quote="donnyj"]I have one computer on my home network that likes to occassionaly not show up in "Network".
The problem I have is that I can point to it "\Computer" and Opus will pull up the drive list just fine, BUT the drives and directories won't show up in the folder tree. This makes navigation a big problem.
I know one solution would be mapped drives, but I REALLY do not want to do that.
Opus may be enumerating all machines on the network to build the machine-level branch of the folder tree (below Network), which could explain things. On a network with a lot of computers, and/or a slow network, it can take ages for that to happen. It happens in the background so if Opus is waiting for the list of computers to come back the tree won't show anything below Network for a while.
Explorer is better here because it just adds a branch for the computer you're looking at and doesn't populate the list of other computers.
[quote="leo"]Opus may be enumerating all machines on the network to build the machine-level branch of the folder tree (below Network), which could explain things. On a network with a lot of computers, and/or a slow network, it can take ages for that to happen. It happens in the background so if Opus is waiting for the list of computers to come back the tree won't show anything below Network for a while.
Explorer is better here because it just adds a branch for the computer you're looking at and doesn't populate the list of other computers.[/quote]
Any chance of emulating that behavior? I have a four computer network running at 100-mbit.
Is there a way that I can rush/monitor/whatever the enumeration process?