I'm a fairly new user of DOpus (at least on Windows - used on Amiga several thousand years ago), and while there are a bewildering array of features I've yet to find or figure out, I have an idea for an extremely useful one which DOpus doesn't seem to have.
I use ThumbsPlus as my main image viewer, and one thing I can do with it is select a bunch of files in one directory, move them to another and each time there is a file with the identical name in the destination directory, I get a requester window (just as in DOpus). However, in ThumbsPlus it offers two great options I’ve always wanted to have in a general file manager: Delete Incoming if Identical, and Take Same Action for All Files.
Basically Delete Incoming if Identical will, if it encounters a file with the same name, first check that the file sizes match – if it does, it then determines if they are an exact match (I think via an MD5 hash, but could be implemented a number of ways). If I select “Delete Incoming if Identical” and also check the “Take Same Action” box, then I can very quickly move hundreds (or thousands) of pictures without worry of duplicates, and the only files left in the source directory will be those with matching file names in the destination directory, but which are not an exact match.
For many types of files (pictures, mp3, source code, e-books) this would be a great help and save a lot of time – I tend to move things around among three computers (laptop, office workstation, home workstation), and sometimes I update file, sometimes I download/create new ones, etc. In certain instances I can use a file synchronization tool (I have ViceVersa Pro, which is amazing, and I realize DOpus has a similar feature), but in many cases a file synch tool really isn’t appropriate, or is too much effort just to move the files from one directory to another.
Anyway, I think this would be pretty simple to implement – it’s just an extension to the current dialog that comes up when you’re moving/copying files and there is already a file with a matching name in the destination directory. Presently I have to eyeball the file size and date for each to determine if I want to overwrite or skip – it’d be great if that was automated.
Thanks for listening,