New Feature List 2013, 1 Urgent Fix

  1. Implement Folder Formats OVERRIDE Option (Folder Formats: Consistent Override OPTION) This fix is CRITICAL/URGENT/CRISIS Level Priority.

  2. Implement 'Global Full Screen Option' (eliminate top caption bar like modern web browsers, ie. windows explorer F11 option) Global meaning all listers respect on/off.

  3. Floating, Locked, Opus Level ontop, Frameless toolbars vanish completely when restarting opus. Maybe a suboption for floating bars can be (persistent on start/restart).

  4. Implement customizable color/background image for fields (path field, filter field, command field etc.) in the field options dialog (so it can be set on a per field basis).

  5. Implement font choice/color/size, background color for command editor dialogs/email composer in 'preferences-display-colors and fonts'.

  6. Implement word wrap for email composer/command editor dialogs.

Great program, the best in existence for file management., forget the Mayan 2012 end of the world thing... I think the lack of this enhancement (theres no bug here... it's working as intended - just not to your liking) is what will cause the world to end - lol.

I hope we see toolbar on/off state saved as part of layouts in the next ~major update, though not sure if this would fall into that category or not. For the time being - you could create a custom user command that can turn on the floating toolbars you want that you can run at either all/or some of Opus startup, desktop dbl-click, taskbar dbl-click, etc... Wouldn't that do what you want, at least for "when restarting opus"?

lol, we are basically in 2013, maybe the mayan prediction meant 'initiating' the end not the consumation.

point '0': I feel a lot of users would benefit from that (Leo agreed himself), it seems that's the way it 'should work' though.

point '2': This should be automatic, in fact it was, I had one that stayed in position most of the time (it's in several of my screenshots, very top thin toolbar [with yellow text buttons] covering the irrelevant captionbar [why not use that space for buttons], the fullscreen option would solve this for me as well, it would just be my very first toolbar), but now it does not work at all.

So I can implement a manual workaround but it should not be neccessary in light of it was broken in some release and was previously persistent.

BTW, have a blessed 2013 everyone. All the best, stick to your resolutions.

I did?

Sorry Leo, that was Steje