New Folder Inline Rename Glitch

When you make a new folder and are naming it in the process of creating the folder, there is a visual glitch. It seems to bump its name text box down to the first already existing object, overlapping it.

In this example you see on index #1 that the new folder that hasn't been named yet is being named but its name box is overtop the name section of the #2 index folder.

Rename Overtop

How are you initiating the folder creation? This doesn't happen here and I think we probably would have more reports if it was a general problem.

Ya I can't reproduce it now either. It was happening a week ago when I was dealing with a lot of files and folders.

Both my 'New Folder' button and the right click context 'New Folder' create the name dialog box. I don't even know how I was inline renaming new folders. But it was happening every time, so I snipped the pic to submit this issue later and forgot my method.

This is my 'New Folder' button. Just a basic command.
Create Folder

This is my inline rename hotkey. But I wasn't using it when I reported this. I know that because I just now had to remember where I put that hotkey on my keyboard.

I will have to remember how I was causing this bug.

The only way I know of to get a new folder with inline rename is from the context menu New -> Folder, but that doesn't exhibit the bug for me.

Ya, I use my 'New Folder' button every time I want a new folder, because to use the right click context menu you have to find empty space first, to get the correct menu. Too much work. (I just discovered you can right click on the context info pane too).

I still haven't been able to reproduce the issue again, after processing files for three hours today.
It probably has something to do with checkbox mode (Although there is no checkboxes in my picture). I probably had some items checked off elsewhere, that was affecting how that rename box was being displayed. This is now a waste of time thread but it bugs me that I can't find the problem that I've complained about.

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Sometimes I move files and press F2 to rename and this problem will occur (Focus on other Item). I don't know the steps to reproduce it.

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Maybe it's because the focus is not changed after the automatic sorting.
Auto sorting does not change focus

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