I've just installed Opus9 onto two computers that have never had it before. They both run XP.
I have a command-line executable. When dragging a file onto this executable, instead of it being executed with the file(s) as an argument, it copies the dragged files into the same folder as the exe.
On my own computer, on which I upgraded from a previous Opus8, it works fine. The executable runs with the dragged files as arguments.
I've checked the Filetype Drag-and-drop options for "All Files", "All Files and Folders" and "EXE", and they are identical on all machines.
Unfortunately, both of the offending machines do indeed have this setup correctly. But still, the drag and drop operation copies the files instead of running the exe with the files as arguments.
When the executable and the file(s) are on the same drive, it makes a copy. If they are on different drives, then it works okay.
So, to clarify:
Two imaginary files... "converter.exe" and "flapper.dat".
If both files are on the same drive, when "flapper.dat" is dragged onto "converter.exe", a new file "Copy of flapper.dat" is created. This is the case whether they are in the same lister or each in a different lister.
If converter.exe is put on to c: and flapper.dat put onto d:, then dragging flapper.dat onto converter.exe works fine and converter.exe is executed with d:\flapper.dat as its argument.