New native support for MTP devices ( beta)

Your MTP devices will appear underneath Computer in the folder tree. There's no separate tree entry for the mtp:// namespace (it seemed redundant to have this since the devices are already present in the tree and people will be used to them being under Computer anyway).

I'm afraid not
It won't list on the tree

Win7 X86 latest beta DOpus

Check if you have Preferences / Folder Tree / Contents / Virtual (non-filesystem) folders turned off - it may need to be on for MTP devices to show in the tree.

You got it in one Jon, many thanks
It appears after the drive list but there it is , cool

I notice a freeze problem with the last beta (no problem with
When I start browsing device (to display sd card and internal), there is a freeze problem during some seconds (~45s).
I removed columns leaving only the column 'Name'... Same thing :frowning:
During this freeze time, if i unplug device, items appear briefly just before jumping to the last drive (suggestion: why not display My computer instead of last drive ?).

2 things:
-I can't move/copy file by drag&drop to mtp tree (c: to mtp, mtp to mtp).
-undo action name file with prefix (move file from mtp to mtp, then undo)

2 others things...
-can you add "index" column for mtp format
-column width doesn't work for mtp format

[quote="AlbatorV"]2 things:
-I can't move/copy file by drag&drop to mtp tree (c: to mtp, mtp to mtp).
-undo action name file with prefix (move file from mtp to mtp, then undo)[/quote]


[quote="AlbatorV"]-can you add "index" column for mtp format
-column width doesn't work for mtp format[/quote]

Can you provide some more detail about these please?

In Prefs, we can edit format for mobiles devices. We can add or delete colomns or adjust size of columns.
So I want to add Index column like I do for My computer format and all others folders.
And when we set column width, value is saved but width not apply when I display mtp://. It's ok ?

Ok, thanks.

[quote="AlbatorV"]I notice a freeze problem with the last beta (no problem with
When I start browsing device (to display sd card and internal), there is a freeze problem during some seconds (~45s).
I removed columns leaving only the column 'Name'... Same thing :frowning:
During this freeze time, if i unplug device, items appear briefly just before jumping to the last drive (suggestion: why not display My computer instead of last drive ?).[/quote]

I'm seeing the exact same behavior with Trying to view my ASUS Tranformer TF101 just freezes Directory Opus for a long time (a few minutes). worked fine and snappy. Perhaps something to do with the folder trees implemented in Looks to me like you're trying to find every folder on the device. It seems to freeze longer the more files that are on the tablet. I recently factory reset my tablet and if i recall correctly, was relatively fine with it in the beginning. Now that i've reinstalled all my apps and dumped a bunch of files back on there, it's freezing for a few minutes upon initially trying to browse the tablet. It's like Directory Opus is scanning the whole tablet's storage (which is obviously a slow process, especially via MTP). I don't know.. Just throwing ideas around.

Also, unplugging the device during the freeze makes it appear briefly for me too.

When I try to copy new photos from my camera with this button command Clipboard COPY
and browse to a folder on my harddisk and press another button with Clipboard PASTE

nothing happens, no files are copied ...

But when I use this command: [b]Copy {allfile$} TO B:[Werkmap][/b]
everything works ok. When I try the clipboard copy / paste commands again with the same
files, the clipboard copy / paste commands commands suddenly do work ... :confused:

So, the clipboard copy / paste commands only work when the same files are already copied
with another command ... :slight_smile:

I just installed the new beta and now it's even worse ...

I can't copy files from my camera to the harddisk anymore:

Drag Drop / Copy button on the default toolbar / custom buttons / Clipboard copy

nothing works anymore (everything is still ok in Windows Explorer and until beta everything was ok)

Ok, it seems to work 'at random' :slight_smile: , so here's some more information, this is what I found:

  • Exit Opus
  • Start Opus
  • Browse for my canon camera
  • Enable details mode
  • Copy file A (CLIPBOARD COPY) -> go to a folder on my hard-disk -> paste file A (CLIPBOARD PASTE) -> works OK
  • Go back to my canon camera
  • Switch to thumbnails mode
  • copy file B (CLIPBOARD COPY) -> go to a folder on my hard-disk -> paste file B (CLIPBOARD PASTE) -> DOESN'T work (nothing happens)
  • Go back to my canon camera
  • Switch to details mode again
  • Copy file B (CLIPBOARD COPY) -> go to a folder on my hard-disk -> paste file B (CLIPBOARD PASTE) -> still DOESN'T work (nothing happens)
  • Go back to my canon camera (still in details mode)
  • Copy file C (CLIPBOARD COPY) -> go to a folder on my hard-disk -> paste file C (CLIPBOARD PASTE) -> works OK
  • Go back to my canon camera (still in details mode)
  • Copy file B (CLIPBOARD COPY) -> go to a folder on my hard-disk -> paste file B (CLIPBOARD PASTE) -> works OK again

So, switching to thumbnails mode seems to 'block' the copy functionality (at least CLIPBOARD COPY)?

MTP can only read one file at a time, so might get tied up as thumbnails (and metadata etc. for them) are being read. Were the thumbnails done refreshing before you tried copying?

I didn't refresh the thumbnails before copying. Now I tried it again with a refresh:

When I hit the refresh button after switching to another view mode (before copying the file), I get exactly the same behaviour as posted above.

So adding a refresh doesn't seem to solve the problem.

Causing the thumbnails to be loaded a second time could only add to the problem not solve it. What I was wondering was if the MTP device was tied up still extracting data for the thumbnails when the copies failed.

Yes, now I tried this:

  • Go to my canon camera
  • Switch to thumbnails mode
  • Copy file A (CLIPBOARD COPY) -> go to a folder on my hard-disk
  • Paste file A (using a button with the code: CLIPBOARD PASTE) -> nothing happens
    - Just wait for approx. 30 seconds
  • Hit the button (with the code: CLIPBOARD PASTE) again -> Opus copies file A :slight_smile:

Same thing with drag and drop: when I switch to Thumbnails mode I can't drag files onto my harddisk,
but when I wait for approx. 30 seconds, drag and drop works again.

Note that Opus shows the thumbnail instantly (green light is flashing on my camera during thumbnail generation),
but during the 30 seconds, the green light on my camera isn't flashing, so 'nothing' seems to happen ...?

Some interesting new information regarding the 'blocked copy functionality in thumbnails mode':

When I set the advanced setting mtp_use_thumbnails to FALSE
the copy delay problem is completely solved and I can even copy files during (!!) thumbnail generation.

This is quite strange, because opus is generating high quality thumbnails, so one would expect even more delay ...??

When I set mtp_use_thumbnails to TRUE again (Opus uses the low quality thumbnails provided by the camera),
the 'copy delay' problem in thumbnails mode is back and I have to wait for 30 approx. seconds again before I can copy files.

Perhaps this new info can help to solve this problem?